How would massage help the elderly?
People with Alzheimer’s disease , Dementia , or just too old to move about on their own, do not lose the capacity for human emotion or recognition of a caring touch. There are several benefits massage therapy offers, including increased body awareness and alertness, as well as a reduction in the feelings of confusion and anxiety. It increases blood flow and muscle tone to extremities that are not getting exercise. It allows a venue to build reassurance and trust, and helps to calm agitation and release endorphins that produce feelings of happiness and peace. Hand, arms, legs, feet , head and back massage or simply holding a person has the power to elicit positive, life-affirming feelings and responses. Simple touching of hands is so familiar, hand massage may be gladly accepted by elders and opens the opportunity to provide massage to the head and or extremities.
Massage therapy can also help ease the effects of isolation, loneliness and boredom while encouraging feelings of worthiness and well-being.
How will the therapist know if my loved one is not enjoying the massage?
Alzheimer’s requires massage therapists have some specific skills, many of which are not directly related to massage therapy.The Therapist has a basic understanding of the disease process and is comfortable with the characteristics of the disease, such as confusion, disorientation, memory loss and personality changes.
The Therapist has special communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal, and has an understanding of Facial expression, movement and breathing which all provide feedback about the receptivity and benefit from touch.
Who pays for massage services?
Each individual client or family will pay for their own services. The Therapist will provide a bill and will collect all fees personally. Massage will be provided after a communication with the client and the family to assure that all are comfortable with the agreement.
What if my loved one is not mobile, or can not get on a table?
Therapy will be provided when, where, and how best suites the resident. Wheelchairs, beds, couches, chairs, and massage table are all options based upon the physical ability of the resident. Any place is a good place for massage!